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'Blue Bubbles' - Underwater Fiji Dive Book

  • cardinal fish holding eggs in his mouth photograph by Alison Smith

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The Fijian archipelago boasts spectacular underwater beauty.  Beneath the turquoise waters encircling its 333 tropical islands are technicolour coral reef cities: host and sanctuary to an incredible range of interconnected marine specie.

With over 300 photographs and explanations, this book hopes to capture the allure and biodiversity of one of the richest ecosystems on the planet.

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Blue Bubbles is a 178 page hard copy book containing over 300 images of underwater Fiji and comprehensive fascinating text.

10% of book sales are donated to the Animals Fiji charity - a life line for the street dogs of the country.

They were fortunate enough to be  able to sail into Fiji during the Covid 19 lockdowns of 2020.  Alison spent her time underwater with her camera and will be eternally grateful for the 'Blue Bubble'  that Fiji was able to provide.

'Blue Bubbles' stockists include WH Smiths at Fiji Airport, Jacks and The Projects Collective, Fiji. 

blue bubbles underwater fiji

Fiji's coralscape

Fiji's volcanic history has led to deep and uneven underwater valleys. This creates strong current funnels and has created the 'soft coral capital of the world' as these polyp communities rely on plankton conveyor belts.  Dendronepthya is Fiji's signature coral as it can colonise vast areas in stunning pinks, yellows, reds and purples.

“Blue Bubbles - Underwater Fiji is absolutely delightful ”

Joan Goldsbro, Auckland

Reef Creatures

The Fijian reef is a dazzling display of specialist adaptations, of colouration and patterns, swimming techniques, social interactions, reproductions and feeding.

Under the tranquil turquoise is a complex bio web of creatures with survival strategies honed over millions of years.


Size is no indication of sophistication in the ocean.  Fiji's benthic critters have evolved amazing survival strategies ranging from extreme camouflage to symbiotic arrangements with stinging cnidarians.

Most of these creatures are less than a cm or two in length so a macro lens is required to spot them inching, oozing, scampering and shuffling across the sea floor.

The book also contains an informative chapter on symbiotic (partnership) relationships on the reefs and finally a chapter on the manmade threats to the survival of the reef creatures and what you can do to advocate for and protect our ocean.

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